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    Healing Energy Oracle

    Healing Energy Oracle

    Align yourself with the light, love and wisdom of the Divine with 54 thought cards from author and artist Mario Duguay. The energy generated by this deck will open you to a greater path, for transformation, freedom and realisation. Choose a card, open yourself to the illuminated imagery and messages, and allow their healing energy to awaken your inner truths, peace and blessings.
    229 kr
    Bild på Healing Heart Oracle

    Healing Heart Oracle

    299 kr
    Bild på Healing Light and Angel Cards

    Healing Light and Angel Cards

    Healing your Chakras can release an abundance of energy and feeling of well-being and joy. With the help of your angels and animal guides, use 42 beautiful art cards and a handy guide to lead you to a better understanding of what makes you truly unique.
    289 kr
    Bild på Healing med älvorna - 44 kort orakelkort med vägledningshäfte

    Healing med älvorna - 44 kort orakelkort med vägledningshäfte

    Älvor är naturens kraftfulla skyddsänglar och de kan stötta dig på ett underbart sätt i ditt självförtroende, dina förhållanden, din hälsa och din karriär. Med hjälp av de här 44 orakelkorten kan du få en djupt personlig relation med det fantastiska älvriket.
    299 kr
    Bild på Healing the Inner Child Oracle: A Transformative Quest, 44-Card Deck & Guidebook

    Healing the Inner Child Oracle: A Transformative Quest, 44-Card Deck & Guidebook

    179 kr
    Bild på Healing Waters Oracle

    Healing Waters Oracle

    Explore the sacred element of water and connect with the healing wisdom that exists within and around you with this beautiful activating oracle. Where there is water, there is life. Water is an element that has long been infused with sacred blessings and rituals, and recognized the world over as a source of healing.
    239 kr 229 kr
    Bild på Healingens sju nivåer (21 kort)

    Healingens sju nivåer (21 kort)

    Healingkort – Nivå 4 – Motivation Jag välkomnar och omfamnar min förmåga till självacceptans; att jag är värd och förtjänar omtanke, medkänsla, kärlek och respekt och att jag duger precis så som jag är. Healingkortens kraftfulla budskap stödjer, inspirerar och stärker dig under processen med att bli fri från dina fysiska, emotionella och själsliga problem.
    59 kr
    Bild på Heart & Soul Cards (54 Heart Shaped Cards In A Heart Shaped Box)

    Heart & Soul Cards (54 Heart Shaped Cards In A Heart Shaped Box)

    'Heart & Soul Cards', featuring the illuminating artwork and words of Toni Carmine Salerno, offer practical guidance. Answering questions on love, life and the impermanence of our physical existence, they provide nourishment and inspiration for mind, body and spirit.
    269 kr
    Bild på Heart Path Oracle Cards

    Heart Path Oracle Cards

    239 kr
    Bild på Heart Songs : 44 Inspiration Cards with Guidebook

    Heart Songs : 44 Inspiration Cards with Guidebook

    The HEART SONGS cards are a portable companion for daily inspiration and have been written from a place of unconditional love, yearning, learning and balance. Each of the 44 cards shares a wisdom which encourages you to search your soul for understanding and peace, while highlighting the magnificent, authentic Self you can be.
    239 kr
    Bild på Heart Thoughts

    Heart Thoughts

    This beautifully designed deck of 64 powerful affirmations and spiritual meditations will help you meet your day-to-day experiences with love and peace. The 4" x 4" cards are a convenient size for placing around your home, car, workplace, or anywhere you will see them often. Spread the joy by offering some to friends and family.
    179 kr
    Bild på Heavenly Angel Oracle Deck

    Heavenly Angel Oracle Deck

    Angels are beings of pure spirit who bring their messages to Earth; we can access these messages through this deck of oracle cards. Each card represents an angel from one of the major religious traditions and has a unique meaning to inspire us and help us grow. Includes 50 cards and 64-page full-color illustrated guidebook.
    299 kr 249 kr
    Bild på Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle

    Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle

    This collection of forty elegant botanical cards draws inspiration from healers, helpers, and shaman who walk the thin places between one world and another. These wise folks find the plants of their practice at the edges of cultivated fields as well as deep in the woods, wilds, and along shorelines.
    359 kr
    Bild på Helande orakelkort

    Helande orakelkort

    Den här orakelleken är ett verktyg för holistisk läkning. Med stor erfarenhet och kunskap inom många olika traditioner - yoga, kinesisk medicin, reiki m.m. - har Shereen Öberg skapat en kortlek som kan hjälpa oss läka på djupet, i alla lager av oss:

    - den fysiska kroppen
    - tankarna
    - känslorna
    - den inre energin  
    - vårt andliga uttryck.

    399 kr
    Bild på Helig magi

    Helig magi

    Orakelkorten i Helig magi lär ut det som är betydelsefullt för dig som vill ha andlig rikedom och insikt. De inspirerar till stark kontakt med den över­sinnliga och andliga världen. Camilla Elfving är författare och medium med mer än 20 års erfarenhet.
    399 kr
    Bild på Herbal Recognition Cards

    Herbal Recognition Cards

    300 kr
    Bild på Herbal Recognition Cards (49 kort)

    Herbal Recognition Cards (49 kort)

    Vivid photographs and detailed descriptions make it easy to identify plants in the wild, and learn their healing properties. Set includes 49 laminated cards.
    500 kr
    Bild på Herbana Witch Oracle

    Herbana Witch Oracle

    259 kr
    Bild på Herbarium Oracle

    Herbarium Oracle

    299 kr
    Bild på Hero's Journey Dream Oracle

    Hero's Journey Dream Oracle

    Since time immemorial, the hero's journey has been taken by wizards, goddesses, sages, and ordinary people, and whether you realize or not, you are taking it right now. You have been called from your everyday world, to quest for change, for knowledge, for peace, for strength.
    249 kr
    Bild på Higher Intuitions Oracle [With Booklet]

    Higher Intuitions Oracle [With Booklet]

    Your angels and your guides frequently give signs and symbols in order to help you along your paths of enlightenment and good. Animals are around all of us each day either as the living, breathing types or through pictures and songs. Spirit invites you to perceive that animals have an energy you can use to find your true passageway through these 44 stunning Higher Intuition cards.
    219 kr
    Bild på Higher Self Oracle

    Higher Self Oracle

    Receive guidance on your life’s journey and help fulfill your calling by connecting with the higher self through this powerful channel of love and light. The Higher Self Oracle consists of 45 illuminated cards that provide insight and guidance about your emotional and daily challenges and overarching life lessons.
    279 kr
    Bild på Hjärtats orakel

    Hjärtats orakel

    Upptäck de vackra, kreativa, roliga och glädjefyllda sidorna av ditt hjärta och ge dem vingar att lysa.

    Det här är ett nyskapande och effektivt verktyg för att förstå din själ och ditt hjärtas längtan. Bakom Hjärtats orakel står healern och pionjären inom energimedicin Inna Segal och illustratören Jena Dellagrottaglia som vill bidra till att läka hjärtan över hela världen. 

    349 kr
    Bild på Hjärtefrågor: 64 affirmationskort

    Hjärtefrågor: 64 affirmationskort

    "Den här asken innehåller 64 AFFIRMATIONSKORT (med text på båda sidor) som hjälper dig att vända blicken inåt och se den del av dig som är ren och oförfalskad andlighet. Rent ljus. Ren energi. Se framför dig hur dina begränsningar försvinner, en efter en, tills inget annat än du återstår: trygg, helad och komplett." Louise Hay
    289 kr 269 kr
    Bild på How to Be a Moonflower Deck

    How to Be a Moonflower Deck

    199 kr
    Bild på How to Love Yourself Cards

    How to Love Yourself Cards

    Each of the 64 affirmation cards in this deck has a message for you: You are safe in the Universe, and all Life loves and supports you. Every thought you think is creating your future, so choose positive thoughts and words about yourself and about Life. Choose to be at peace. Choose to see clearly with the eyes of love. Come from the loving space of your heart, and know that love opens all doors.
    219 kr 199 kr
    Bild på Human Spirit Oracle

    Human Spirit Oracle

    249 kr
    Bild på Humandalas Cards (52 Hex-Shaped Cards & In

    Humandalas Cards (52 Hex-Shaped Cards & In

    299 kr 280 kr
    Bild på Hummingbird Wisdom Oracle Cards

    Hummingbird Wisdom Oracle Cards

    The way of the Hummingbird is a path, one of lightness and joy, and one of power and strength. These oracle cards are filled with inspiration and guidance to help you connect to your divinity, explore the seen and unseen, and embrace your unique, epic journey in this lifetime.
    299 kr
    Bild på Hunting For Power Empowerment Cards

    Hunting For Power Empowerment Cards

    Both pragmatic and humorous, the Toltec-inspired HUNTING FOR POWER EMPOWERMENT CARDS offer insight and guidance to our hectic and chaotic daily lives. Step back into the simpler times of the ancient ones to gain clarity and remember who you are. To draw a card, still your mind by taking a deep breath through your nose, pause, and release through your mouth once or twice.
    189 kr