Tarotkorten rör sig i mellanrummet mellan upplevelse och möjlighet, i tidsspannet mellan dåtid, nutid och framtid. Främst handlar de om den dynamiska verklighet som människan skapar i sin relation till omvärlden. Med vår egen fornnordiska mytologis ord: korten utgör Urds väv, de tre Nornornas arbete genom den personliga upplevelsen av tiden.
Vill du veta hur din dag ser ut, eller din vecka, månad, år?
Nu fixar du det enkelt själv, ta fram din Tarotlek, blanda korten, lägg upp de 10 korten i Keltiska Korset. Sedan kan du läsa betydelsen om varje kort i varje position. I det skapar du en egen tolkning för dig själv eller för någon annan.
Den här originella tarotguiden bygger på vår faktiska verklighet som befolkas av ensamstående mammor med skyhöga amorteringar, arbetslösa pojkvänner som lever på A-kassa och mödrar som köar för att få medicinsk vård. Boken är speciellt utformad för att hjälpa dagens jäktade kvinna att sätta sig in i tarotkorten genom ett enkelt program.
Den moderna kvinnan har inte tid med något hokuspokus. Däremo
I denna eleganta tarot-box, som innehåller en handbok och en vackert illustrerad kortlek, finner du allt du behöver för att lära dig grunderna inom tarot. Astrologen Claire Goodchild guidar dig och lär dig att tolka kortens budskap. Tarot kan användas som ett verktyg för personlig och andlig utveckling. Korten hjälper dig att finna lösningar på problem och ger dig vägledning i livet.
I den här boken visar häxan och sierskan Rosie Björkman oss in i tarotkortens magiska symbolvärld och ger oss vägledning i hur vi kan använda tarotkorten för att bättre se och förstå vad som händer i och omkring oss. De 78 vackra och färggranna tarotkorten i boken, som också finns som separat kortlek, är skapade av Hans Arnold.
The Tarot is a secret system of symbols that has been used for almost six hundred years and is becoming increasingly popular today as people look for meaning and reassurance in our ever-changing and chaotic world. This form of spiritual counsel can be used to seek answers to life's key questions: 'Will I find success in my chosen career?', 'Will I find true love?', 'What does the future hold?
Denna bok är kanaliserad och ett samarbete mellan Johannes (själ) och mig, som pågått i över 10 års tid,
från 1:a raden skrevs till färdig bok idag.
Allt började med att han berättade att man kunde lägga ihop tarotkorten 2 och 2 och på det sättet få en helt ny betydelse av korten = en kortkombination.
Så denna bok innehåller alla kortkombinationerna i en tarotlek (ca 3000) stycken.
Andromeda, Pegasus, Perseus, Orion, Ursa Major and so many other constellations have been turned into extraordinary dragons. Altair, Sirius, Vega, Antares, Aldebaran and so many other known stars have taken shape as warriors, knights and creatures, side by side to the Dragons. It is a book where magic threads over the unknown and cosmic wonders, in a journey of colour and ink.
This small softback book is a collection of images and descriptions of some of the most historically important tarot decks ever seen, as well as of the wide variety of themed decks, many illustrated with gorgeous artwork and brilliant colors, currently available in stores today.
Joan Bunning's The Big Book of Tarot offers a complete course on how to use the tarot cards for personal guidance. The author communicates the basic depth and beauty of each card and shows how the cards trigger psychological projection, enhance intuition, and improve communication with the Inner Guide.
Each of us has a shadow that darkens our inner and outer lives. In Tarot for Troubled Times, Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed show us how working with the shadow—facing it directly, leaning into it rather than away—releases power that can free ourselves from negative mental habits and destructive emotions to find healing ourselves and others.
In The Big Book of Angel Tarot, best-selling author Radleigh Valentine follows up his groundbreaking work Angel Tarot Cards with the definitive guide to the mystical art of tarot.
This highly innovative work presents a piercing interpretation of the tarot in terms of Jungian psychology. Through analogies to the humanities, mythology, and the graphic arts, the significance of the cards is related to personal growth and what Jung termed "individuation."
Tarot is best used as a tool for self-discovery, healing, growth, empowerment, and liberation. Tarot archetypes provide the reader with a window into present circumstances and future potential. But what if that window only opened up on a world that was white, European, and heterosexual?
This lovely, full-color guide to tarot provides everything you need to know to read tarot—whether it’s a traditional reading, or a reading for self-reflection or self-discovery.
Not long ago, getting your cards read would have conjured images of a mystic shrouded in scarves with a crystal ball, waving her hands over a spread of cards.
Tarot is more than a means of fortune telling: by telling an allegorical story of our quest in life, it provides valuable insight into where we are on our path and how we can arrive at a better place. The Authentic Tarot stays faithful to the cards’ true spirit, using this ancient technique as a tool for self-realization and heightened awareness.
A Guide to the Herbal Tarot
Presents methods for tapping into the medicinal properties of herbs and for using herbs and Herbal Tarot cards together.
" The Herbal Tarot deck is a useful introduction to the art of herbalism as well as to the mysticism of the tarot.
Written with thoroughness and clarity, this insightful guide walks you through the meanings of each of the 78 cards and explains how to interpret them in a spread. Illustrated with the Radiant Rider- Waite Tarot, Exploring Tarot is a userfriendly handbook for beginners as well as experienced readers who want to refresh their tarot skills.
Designed in the style of The Fountain Tarot deck, this weekly journal will provide tarot fans with an outlet to record and reflect upon their readings.
Chart your journey toward your truest self.
By transforming your Tarot reading into a weekly practice with quick draws or expansive readings, key patterns in your life may reveal themselves—empowering you with a greater sense of clarity ...
Tarot-reading is one of the oldest esoteric practices. Lore has it that the art of reading tarot cards has existed for over 600 years. What is tarot fact and fiction has been lost with the passage of time. Yet tarot is more popular than ever in our modern society, because the cards speak to our most instinctual and primal selves through their stories, meanings, and symbols.
Answer Questions and Predict the Future with this Comprehensive Collection of Proven Tips and Techniques
Explore the Profound Wisdom and Fascinating Secrets of Divination
Richard Webster, one of the world’s bestselling new age authors, explores the incredibly wide variety of divination systems from around the world.
Originally published in 2003, Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot has proved to be the essential guide to accessing the unique symbolism and meaning of Aleister Crowley's remarkable tarot deck along with the deeply textured artwork of Lady Frieda Harris.
This book offers a unique take on using tarot queens to empower women and presents a year's worth of daily exercises to inspire personal development and to “queen up!”
The four queens in this system represent the four different key forces necessary for balance: inspiration (Queen of Wands), passion (Queen of Swords), love (Queen of Cups) and abundance (Queen of Pentacles).
Invoke the power of the Wildwood, of the Green Man and the Green Woman, and of the living archetypes of the forest such as Robin-in-the-Hood, with this new companion to the bestselling Wildwood Tarot.
500 copies of this magnificent book have been specially bound with deckled fore edges, a leather spine with raised hubs and green cloth to feature Pixie’s favorite color. Her initials and signature have been stamped in gold foil on the book cover and slipcase. Each copy features a delicate vellum sheet that is hand-signed by all four authors and is hand numbered.