An illustrated exploration of the magical life and artistic creations of Pamela Coleman Smith, the artist, feminist, and activist who created the Rider-Waite Tarot, the world's most popular divination deck.
Boken Tarot steg för steg ger dig möjligheten att utveckla din intuition och logik. Du kommer steg för steg att få en ny och fördjupad förståelse för livet och alla dess olika skeenden och din egen del i helheten. Dessa insikter kommer att berika din egen och dina medmänniskors tillvaro och göra dig berredd att möta och växa med de utmaningar som liver erbjuder men även skapa nya möjligheter.
Let your love of fate go beyond the cardsand as far as the amor fati of Nietzsche! The Philosophers Tarot is chance's tryst with reason: a marriage of philosophy's conceptual creativity with the tarot's path of intuition.
Using crystals, this deck and guidebook expands the use of tarot beyond self-awareness and future predictions into the world of manifesting and intention-setting.
Using the original Marseille Tarot, the authors present a new psychological approach, Tarology, that draws on the symbolism and optical language of the Tarot to create a powerful tool for ...
· Details the initiations for consecrating yourself as a divine vessel
· Guides you in building a sacred inner temple for connecting with the gods of Egypt
· Delivers shamanic journeys and initiations on ascension, shamanic death and renewal, soul retrieval and healing, multidimensional realities, and more
Deep within each of us lives a primal memory of a time when the natural world was ...
What do you do with the "other half" of the Tarot deck: the reversed cards? Experienced and beginning Tarot readers alike often struggle with interpreting cards when they're upside down.
Struggle in the dark no more. Respected Tarot scholar and author Mary K. Greer sheds light on the subject in Tarot Reversals, the first book in Llewellyn's new Special Topics in Tarot series.
See the Marseille style Tarot beautifully brought to life with the Grand Universal Tarot. Author Bruno de Nys has created a stunning homage to a classic deck which has proven, through the centuries, to bring clarity to situations and show us that we have the ability to shape our future based on the choices we make in the present.
Welcome to the Swagatam Tarot. The word swagatam means “welcome” in Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages in the world. Based on Indian culture combined with the philosophies of Hinduism, the rich and unique images of this 92-card deck invite you to explore concepts of healing and self-exploration that have been around for centuries.
Meet the people and personalities of the tarot in a whole new way with Your Tarot Court. This book gives you the confidence you need to tackle the trickiest part of any deck: the court cards. You'll explore the tarot court archetypes and discover new ways to identify and work with these enigmatic cards.
Beloved by nearly half a million Tarot enthusiasts, Rachel Pollack's Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom forever transformed the study of Tarot. This much-anticipated follow-up to Pollack's classic guidebook will inspire Tarot aficionados and inform a new generation of Tarot students.
Boken innehåller verktyg som behövs för att utvecklas framåt på alla plan och nivåer inför den nya Guldåldern. Målet med denna bok är att hjälpa er att finna balans mellan himmel och jord, kunna stå i er egen kraft och verka som de Ljusmästare ni är. Det handlar om att återta kontakten med er själva och ert hjärta. Mitt budskap till mänskligheten handlar om att hjälpa er inför transformationen.
Awaken ancestral ties and connect to the divine with Black Tarot, a deluxe tarot deck and guidebook set from author Nyasha Williams, featuring and celebrating exclusively Black figures and imagery.
Written for contemporary tweens interested in one of the hottest trends/topics, The Junior Tarot Reader's Handbook is the perfect book for readers who want to learn how to read tarot cards and understand what the past, present, and future have to say about their life, especially as it pertains to friendships, family, and school.
Adapted from the best seller Guided Tarot with over 2400 reviews, this essential guide is a must-have for teens ready to embrace the wisdom of their inner voice through understanding tarot cards.
Paul Foster Case has inspired a whole generation of tarot students. Learning Tarot Essentials: Tarot Cards for Beginners draws on Qabalah and Golden Dawn traditions and delves deeply into the ...
Pehr Trollsveden och Lennart Abrahamsson har samlat sina erfarenheter och kunskaper i denna bok och vill hjälpa dig att på ett enkelt sätt komma igång med Tarotkorten. Denna bok passar till alla tarotlekar. Boken innehåller också 17 olika läggningar. Helt i färg.
Aimed at those looking to enhance their own readings as well as anyone interested in learning to read for others, this book naturally complements the hugely successful Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards. It offers a natural starting point for those new to the cards, as well as enhanced information not featured elsewhere for those already proficient in using them.