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    Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards

    229 kr
    Lagerstatus: I lager
    i h

    Strengthen your sixth sense and access divine help in your day-to-day life with this enchanting 56-card oracle deck.

    This card deck offers personal guidance from your spiritual support system: your higher self, angels, spirit guides, and helpers on the Other Side.

    In the accompanying guidebook, you'll find a thorough explanation of each card, including key words that present concepts and energies to enhance the card’s meaning and help you get as much information from the deck as you possibly can.

    To use this deck, simply pull a card and apply the wisdom from your guides throughout your day and in situations where you need guidance, intuitive help, and divine insight. You may also select a card with a specific situation in mind and seek direct guidance from your spirit helpers.

    "Your guides are very willing to be supportive and to offer guidance as they show you how to create the best possible outcome in all situations and circumstances in your life. That’s their job, and they love to help. So let them."

    Författare Choquette, Sonia
    Språk Engelska
    Förlag Hay House UK Ltd
    Sidantal 128
    Utgiven 2024-02-20
    Artikelkod 9781401972943
    Mediatyp Tarot/Orakel
    Vikt 414 g
    Mått 100 x 137 x 41 mm

    Strengthen your sixth sense and access divine help in your day-to-day life with this enchanting 56-card oracle deck.

    This card deck offers personal guidance from your spiritual support system: your higher self, angels, spirit guides, and helpers on the Other Side.

    In the accompanying guidebook, you'll find a thorough explanation of each card, including key words that present concepts and energies to enhance the card’s meaning and help you get as much information from the deck as you possibly can.

    To use this deck, simply pull a card and apply the wisdom from your guides throughout your day and in situations where you need guidance, intuitive help, and divine insight. You may also select a card with a specific situation in mind and seek direct guidance from your spirit helpers.

    "Your guides are very willing to be supportive and to offer guidance as they show you how to create the best possible outcome in all situations and circumstances in your life. That’s their job, and they love to help. So let them."

    Författare Choquette, Sonia
    Språk Engelska
    Förlag Hay House UK Ltd
    Sidantal 128
    Utgiven 2024-02-20
    Artikelkod 9781401972943
    Mediatyp Tarot/Orakel
    Vikt 414 g
    Mått 100 x 137 x 41 mm
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